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We believe it's important to teach young kids in a balanced way, mixing Montessori ideas with fun learning through play. Our main goal is to help kids become independent, curious, and always eager to learn.

Montessori Principles:

We draw inspiration from the Montessori philosophy, which emphasizes the following key principles:

  1. Individualized Learning: We recognize that each child is unique and develops at their own pace. Our curriculum and teaching methods are tailored to meet the individual needs and interests of every child, allowing them to progress and explore at their own rhythm.

  2. Prepared Environment: Our daycare environment is thoughtfully designed to encourage independence and exploration. We provide developmentally appropriate materials and activities that are easily accessible, promoting self-directed learning and the development of essential life skills.

  3. Respect for the Child: We treat each child with respect, valuing their thoughts, opinions, and contributions. We foster a positive and inclusive atmosphere where children feel safe to express themselves, make choices, and develop their self-esteem and social skills.

Play-Based Learning:


We also believe in the power of play as a fundamental tool for learning and development. Play-based learning forms an integral part of our approach, offering numerous benefits to children, including:


  1. Creativity and Imagination: Through imaginative play, children explore their world, develop problem-solving skills, and unleash their creativity. We provide a variety of open-ended materials and opportunities for pretend play, encouraging their imagination to soar.

  2. Social and Emotional Development: Play allows children to develop vital social skills such as cooperation, negotiation, empathy, and communication. They learn to navigate relationships, resolve conflicts, and build strong foundations for future interactions.

  3. Hands-on Experiences: We believe in providing children with hands-on experiences that actively engage their senses. Our curriculum incorporates experiential learning, where children can explore, experiment, and discover the world around them through meaningful, sensory-rich activities.


By combining the principles of Montessori education with play-based learning, we create an environment that supports each child's unique developmental journey. Our passionate and dedicated educators guide and facilitate their growth, ensuring a balance between structured learning experiences and child-led exploration.


We are committed to nurturing confident, compassionate, and lifelong learners who are prepared to thrive in an ever-changing world. We look forward to partnering with you on this exciting educational journey for your child.

Language Enrichment:

Rainbow Kidz is an immersive Portuguese language program where children are fully immersed in the language. In addition to regular language learning, we have dedicated classes once a week that cover various aspects of Brazilian culture, such as music, art, dance, games, and much more.


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